Let´s Hear it! | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Let´s Hear it!

Works by Schubert, Mozart, Hummel, Mendelssohn, Suk, Dvorak and Richard Franck.

06:00 Franz Schubert. Schwanengesang.
Christoph Prégardien, tenor.
Andreas Staier, fortepiano.
07:13 W.A. Mozart. Salzburg Symphonies
Le Cercle de l’Harmonie conducted by Jérémie Rhorer.
08:05 Johann Nepomuk Hummel.
Piano trio in G major, opus 65.
The Atlantic Trio.
08:20 Violin pieces by Mendelssohn,
Schubert, Elgar, Suk, Dvorak and others.
Renaud Capuçon, violin. Jérôme Ducros, piano.
09:33 Richard Franck. 1. symphonic fantasia, opus 31. 2. Serenade in A major, opus 25. 3. Suite in D major, opus 30. 4. Liebesidyll ‘amor und Psyche’, opus 24. Württembergische Philharmonie Reutlingen
conducted by Christopher Fifield.
10:25 Moessorgski.
Pictures at an Exhibition.
Misha Fomin, piano.

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