Missa etcetera | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Missa etcetera

thu 26 mar 2009 22:00 hour

Religious music from the Italian Baroque.

1. Francesco Cavalli (1602-1676).
Messa Concertata:
Kyrie / Gloria / Credo / Sanctus & Benedictus / Agnus Dei.
Seicento and The Parley of Instruments led by Peter Holman.
2. Francesco Cavalli.
Canzona (eight-part).
The Parley of Instruments led by Peter Holman.
3. Giovanni Gabrieli.
Kyrie (twelve-part).
Andrea Gabrieli.
Gloria (sixteen-part).
Giovanni Gabrieli.
Sanctus (twelve-part).
The King’s Choir & Consort led by Robert King.

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