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The early strings

fri 18 sep 2009 14:00 hour

Glorious tour through lute music. In this episode: French strings, music by Jacques de Gallot and Denis Gaultier. Furthermore, music by Hotteterre, Charpentier and Campra.

Jacques Martin Hotteterre (1674-1763).
– Prelude sol mineur.

Wilbert Hazelzet, transverse flute.
(Glossa GCD920801)

2. Jacques de Gallot (1600-1686).
– Suite en fa diese mineur.
Hopkinson Smith, lute.
(Astree E8528)

3. Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1643-1704).
– Pour le Saint Sacrament ou reposoir H.346.

La Chapelle Royale led by Philippe Herreweghe.
(Harmonia Mundi HMC901185)

4. Denis Gaultier (1603-1672).
– Suite XII en la mineur
Hopkinson Smith, lute.
(Astree E7778)

5. Marc-Antoine Charpentier.
Litanies de La Vierge H.83.
Les Arts Florissants led by William Christie.

6. Jacques de Gallot.
– Pavane Tombeau de la Reyne.
Hopkinson Smith, lute.
(Astree E8528)

7. Andre Campra (1660-1744).
– Messe de Requiem.
La Chapelle Royale led by Philippe.
(Harmonia Mundi HMC901251)

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