Absolutely Classical | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Absolutely Classical

tue 26 aug 2014 11:00 hour

Real Classics today episode 29 with works by Albertus Groneman, Ludwig van Beethoven en Gioacchino Rossini.

1. Albertus Groneman.
Sonate in G minor
Musica ad Rhenum: Jed Wentz, Marion Moonen, traverso. Balázs Máté, cello. Marcelo Bussi, harpsichord.
2. Ludwig van Beethoven.
15 variations and a fugue to a theme from  Prometheus in E major opus 35
Glenn Gould, piano. 
3. Gioacchino Rossini.
Sonata no. 6 in D major for strings
I Solisti Veneti conducted by Claudio Scimone. 
4. Ludwig van Beethoven.
Rondo a Capriccio, in G major opus 129 (Die Wut über den verlorenen Groschen)
Alfred Brendel, piano.  

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