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Contemporary Music

sun 10 may 2015 17:00 hour
Composer: Miranda Driessen

Felipe Ignacio Noriega. Noriega was born in Mexico City in 1982. In 2009 he came to the Netherlands to study music at the Conservatory of Amsterdam. From then on he let go of his originally classical directed background bit by bit. His original ideas about contemporary music evolved to a practice in which he developed projects himself on his laptop together with other musicians and performing artists.

Each month since August 2014 De Concertzender has broadcasted an episode of a new series of programmes in which the current generation Dutch composers will be mapped out. Who influences whom? Which are the most important musical sources of inspiration? And what are their motives? Each month we broadcast recent works of them and we also ask them for a key work which is precious to them or played an important part in their development. Finally we ask them to select a piece of work of a colleague for us to listen to in preparation for the next programme. This way a canon of the latest Dutch music will create itself.
In this programme you will come across a large diversity of music styles: today’s composer Felipe Ignacio Noriega, like many of his generation, is working within different styles which join together all kinds of worlds. 
Noriega was born in Mexico City in 1982. In 2009 he came to the Netherlands to study music at the Conservatory of Amsterdam. From then on he let go of his originally classical directed background bit by bit. His original ideas about contemporary music evolved to a practice in which he developed projects himself on his laptop together with other musicians and performing artists. So he is not only the composer but also directly involved as performer. In this way of working the writing of scores is no longer necessary and by now Noriega left it behind him. His music has been recorded in computer language and the shape of his current projects are also determined by the personality and characterization of those he works together with. So there is no clear difference any more between composer and performers and no longer is one maker indistinguishable.

  1. 1. Off<>zz.  Offzz my god, azz just saved.  Anne Veinberg, piano en Felipe Ignacio Noriega, live coding. Own recording 5’22”
  2. Panda Zooicide. Bamboo $hootz 5’19”
  3. Felipe Ignacio Noriega.  Robot theater (2013) Felipe Noriega – laptop, Cinthya Oyervides, choreography 4’04”
  4. Felipe Ignacio Noriega. Alt-Bo. Felipe Noriega – laptop, Sarah Jeffery – recorder and voice 6’47”
  5. A’mon trio  Cay Truc Xin  Monique Copper, fortepiano,  Ngo Hong Quang, Dan bau, Felipe Ignacio Noriega, laptop 6’52”
  6. trad. H’mong singing.  Ngo Hong Quang, singing and Jews’ harp. Felipe Ignacio Noriega, laptop 6’24”
  7. Doom cloud. Raw data 3’54”
  8. Andys Skordis. Silkstone are you ever going to shatter. Orchestra De Ereprijs conducted by Wim Boerman 5’56”
  9. Panda Zooicide. Ejaculation activate 3’58”

Production: Miranda Driessen in cooperation with Felipe Ignacio Noriega

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