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wed 22 jan 2020 20:00 hour

Climate acoustics.

Since last year, the vulnerability of the environment has been higher one our agendas than ever before. Now it’s time that climate-conscious sound poets are sounding the alarm, too. In today’s episode we present a number of contemporary composers who pay a tribute to the fragile nature. It’s about the dangers of greenhouse gas emissions, melting glaciers and the threats to all ocean life. You can listen to contemporary music by Matthew Burtner, John Luther Adams, Alan Hovhaness and Charles Amirkhanian.


1. Matthew Burtner (photo): ‘Threnody (Sikuigvik)’ (2015) for ensemble and glacier ecoacoustics (taped installation work), released on Burtner’s album Glacier Music. Ravello Records RR8001 CD

2. Matthew Burtner: ‘Syntax of Snow’ (2011) for glockenspiel and amplified snow, released on Burtner’s album Glacier Music. Trevor Saint (percussion). Ravello Records RR8001 CD

3. Matthew Burtner: ‘Sonic Physiography of a time-stretched glacier’ (2014) for percussion and glacier ecoacoustics, released on Burtner’s album Glacier Music. Brandon Bell (percussion). Ravello Records RR8001 CD

4 t/m 6. Alan Hovhaness: ‘Symphony No. 2: Mysterious Mountain’ (1955) for orchestra, op Alan Hovhaness / Lou Harrison. American Composers Orchestra led by Dennis Russell Davies. MusicMasters 7021-2-C CD

7. John Luther Adams: ‘Become Ocean’ (2013) for orchestra, from Adams’album Become Ocean. Seattle Symphony led by Ludovic Morlot. Cantaloupe CA21101 CD

8. Charles Amirkhanian: ‘Im Frühling’ (1989-90), for tape. From Charles Amirkhanian’s album Loudspeakers. New World Records 80817-2 CD



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