Madge-point | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Master pianist Geoffrey Madge and Concertzender’s Louis Thörig share views on remarkable musicians past and present. Episode 160 will delve into the highlights of historical discography.


1. Bach. Concerto for 2 violins, BWV 1043. Yehudi Menuhin and Georges Enescu; Paris Symphony Orchestra.

2. Beethoven. 6 Bagatelles, Opus 126. Wilhelm Kempff, piano

3. Ravel. Sheherazade. Regine Crespin, mezzo soprano; Orchestre de la Suisse Romande led by Ernest Ansermet.

4. Chopin. Mazurkas, Opus 67 no. 4. Witold Malcuzinsky, piano

Compilation: Geoffrey Madge
Technique: Marco Wensveen
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