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The Early Garden

One hour of browsing through early music, with an accent on Masses.
French songs with themes like travelling, dangers and love.

In this episode you can listen to a variety of mainly French songs. The themes are travelling, dangers and love. Some songs are made by composers from the Renaissance period, but most of the melodies were passed down to us anonymously and their lyrics are known in all kinds of variations. If you listen carefully to this programme, you will also notice that the melody of a seafarer’s traditional from French Canada turn up in a totally different song from Provence …


1 Dans Paris y’a t’une Brune
2 La Traverse Miraculeuse
3 Le Navire de Bayonne
4 Dans les prisons de Nantes
5 Petite Galiote
La Nef led by Sylvain Bergeron
(CD La Traverse Miraculeuse, Les Charbonniers de l’Enfer, ACD2 2588)

Tielman Susato (1500-1561):
6 Salve quae roseo
Benedictus Appenzeller (1480/1488-died after1558):
7 Se dire je l’oisoie
Capilla Flamenca led by Dirk Snellings
Géry de Ghersem (ca.1573-1630):
8 Agnus Dei
Pierre Phalèse (around 1510-1573):
9 Allemande & Saltarello “Bruynsmedelyn”, Allemande & Saltarello “Poussinghe”
La Caccia led by Patrick Denecker
(CD L’Europe Musicale de la Renaissance, Jêrome Lejeune, CD V)

10 Quand je menais les chevaux boire
11 Jan Petit qui danse
12 La Louison
13 La blanche biche
Le Poème Harmonique led by Vincent Dumestre
(CD Plaisir d’amour, chansons & romances de la France d’autrefois, Alpha 513, 2004)

In addition:
Michel Corrette (1707-1795):
14 Tambourin
Le Poème Harmonique ed by Vincent Dumestre


Painting: boats in a harbour in South France (paintress: Viktoria Ganzia)

With thanks to Muziekweb in Rotterdam.

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