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“The Zone Of Interest”


A non-stop mix of ambient soundscapes, experimental electronics and modern classical music.


  • 00:00 DreamScenes – Intro (Susanna)
  • 00:45 Mica Levi – The Zone Of Interest
    The Zone Of Interest OST, 2024, A24
  • 03:11 Cengiz Arslanpay & Michel Banabila – Stop The Genocide! End The Occupation Now
    Stop The Genocide! End The Occupation Now, 2024, Tapu Records
  • 10:41 Catherine Graindorge – Joan
    Songs For The Dead, 2024, Glitterbeat/tak:til
  • 16:01 Laura Masotto – Under The Bombs
    The Spirit Of Things, 2024, 7K!
  • 18:42 Ian Wellman – Forest Of Tragedy
    The Night The Stars Fell, 2024, Ash International
  • 22:47 Canberk Ulaş – Broken
    Echoes Of Becoming, 2024, Jazzland Recordings
  • 24:55 Glacis – When The Sun Goes Down
    Perseverance, 2024, Oscarson
  • 30:13 Evgueni Galperine – This Town Will Burn Before Dawn
    Theory Of Becoming, 2022, ECM
  • 35:00 Ruth Wilhelmine Meyer – Trinity
    One Voices, 2024, Simax Classics
  • 39:14 Emma Margetson – Gestört
    Contemplations, 2024, Empreintes Digitales IMED
  • 42:23 David Shea – The Sirens
    The Ship, 2024, Room40
  • 47:32 Boris Blank – Elements Of Life
    Resonance, 2024, Ian Records
  • 52:33 Michiel De Malsche – Mourning Silence
    The Discomfort Of Evening, 2022, Meakusma
  • 54:38 Canberk Ulaş – A New Beginning
    Echoes Of Becoming, 2024,
  • 59:00 DreamScenes – Outro (Dean Hurley)


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