Traditional classical music from Iran
1. Dastgah-e Shur.
A six-part suite by Hassan Tabar on the antour & Mohammad Akhavan on the tombak.
CD. Club du Disque Arabe, code: AAA82.
2. The first two parts of a 7-part work, entitled: “Le Sacre de Khayyam”, a somewhat contemporary style in which Arabic influences are worked in. The performers are: Alireza Ghorbano: vocals, Dorsat Hamdani: vocals, Ali Ghamsary: târ, Shrab Purnazeri: tambour, Solfiane Negra: ud, Keyvan Chemirani: zarb & Hossin Zahawy: daf, darbouka and daire.
CD. Accords Croisés, code: AC 142.
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