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Sound the Trumpet, Strike the Viol!

Early music expert Kees Koudstaal pulls the most beautiful CDs with early and classical music for you from the shelves of his own CD shop in Baarn.


Giovanni Gabrieli (1554-1612)
1. Toccata del secondo tuono
Giovanni Rovetta (1596-1668)
2. Kyrie & Gloria uit de ‘Messa e Salmi Concertati’
Performers: Galilei Consort conducted by Benjamin Chénier
(CD: ALPHA 965, 2016)


cherubini_plantada_3760014192517Luigi Cherubini (1760-1842)
3. Dies Irae from the ‘Requiem and ut mineur à la memorie de Louis XVI’
Charles-Henri Plantade (1764-1839)
4. Agnus Dei from  the ‘Messe des Morts and ré mineur à la memorie de Marie-Antoinette’
Performers: Le Concert Spirituel olv. Hervé Niquet
(CD: ALPHA 251, 2016)


Frantisek Jiranek (1698-1778)
5. Adagio and Allegro from the Bassoon Concert in G Major.
Performerse: Sergio Azzolini, bassoon. Collegium Marianum
(CD: Supraphon SU 4208-2, 2016)


Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
6. ‘Fallt mit Danken, fallt mit Loben’, opening choir part IV of Weihnachtsoratorium, BWV 248
Performers: Dunedin Consort conducted by John Butt
(CD: Linn, CKD 499, 2016)


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