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Bach Ad Infinitum

tue 25 oct 2016 13:00 hrs

A weekday programme about the oeuvre of Johann Sebastian Bach with producer Govert Jan Bach and host Joop van Zijl. Episode 407: cantata 34.

Robin Blaze (foto: Dorothea Heise)

Robin Blaze (foto: Dorothea Heise)

1. Cantata BWV 34, “O ewiges Feuer, O Ursprung der Liebe”
Nathalie Stutzmann, alto. Christoph Genz, tenor. Panajotis Iconomou, bass. Monteverdi Choir and the Baroque Soloists under the direction of John Eliot Gardiner
(Vol.26 CD1)


2. Altaria “Wohl euch, ihr auserwählte Seelen” from cantata BWV 34
Robin Blaze, altus. Bach Collegium Japan under the direction of Masaaki Suzuki
(BIS Vol. 48)


3. First Orchestra Suite BWV 1066 in C major
Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra conducted by Ton Koopman
(Erato 630-17868-2)


4. “Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier”, BWV 730/731
Ton Koopman, Dreifaltigkeits organ of the Basilica in Ottobeuren
(INTERDISK 97440/4)


5. Frpm Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1: Prelude & Fugue #17 in As, BWV 862
Sviatoslav Richter, piano


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