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The Night: Contemporary Music

Contemporary Music Night #26 – Wandelweiser # 4.
The Twenty-sixth two-weekly Contemporary Music Night on Concertzender with tonight the fourth of an about TwentyFive episode series with all the published records of the Edition Wandelweiser label in chronological order from 1996 till now.

   Burkhard Schlothauer

1. Burkhard Schlothauer. Three pianos drumming (1998). 14:37
PianoInsideOut: Reinhold Friedl, Michael Iber, Yunkyung Lee: prepared pianos.
CD: Edition Wandelweiser Records EWR 0105
   Michael Psaro

2. Michael Pisaro. Mind Is Moving I #1-7 (1995) 1:12:38
Michael Pisaro: guitar.
CD: Edition Wandelweiser Records EWR 0106

   Antoine Beuger

3. Antoine Beuger. Calme étendue (Spinoza) (1997) RADIO-EDIT. 31:20
Antoine Beuger: voice.
CD: Edition Wandelweiser Records EWR 0107

 Jürg Frey

4. Jürg Frey. Klavierstücke (1978/79) I.-VI. 6:43
5. Jürg Frey. Sam Lazaro Bros (1984). 8:52
6. Jürg Frey. Zwei allerletzte Sächelchen (1990)
I. Mailied – II. Vorbei. 1:16
7. Jürg Frey. Invention (1990). 10:38
8. Jürg Frey. Klavierstück Arrangement I, II, III (1991). 14:19
9. Jürg Frey. In memoriam Cornelius Cardew I-II. 2:47
10. Jürg Frey. Klavierstück (1995). 14:07
11. Jürg Frey. Wer macht das Stück ? (1998). 4:10
12. Jürg Frey. Wen XXVII (2000/01). 4:19
John McAlpine: piano.
CD: Edition Wandelweiser Records EWR 0201


   Makiko Nishikaze

13. Makiko Nishikaze. Aqua – Piano – Aerial (1999). 62:47
Makiko Nishikaze: piano.
CD: Edition Wandelweiser Records EWR 0301
   Beuger . Cage

14. Antoine Beuger. Calme étendue (oboe) (1997). 45:29
15. John Cage. 64 Music for one (1984). 29:44
Kathryn Gleasman Pisaro: oboe.
CD: Edition Wandelweiser Records EWR 0401
   Antoine Beuger

14. Antoine Beuger. Silent harmonies in discrete continuity Series One (2002) 1-10. 30:21
Antoine Beuger: electronic realisation.
CD: Edition Wandelweiser Records EWR 0402
All further information can be found on

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