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Nuove Musiche

This hour features a new, special CD with early music. The CD ‘Fons Luminis’ features music from the thirteenth century Huelgas Codex, from Ensemble Gilles Binchois conducted by Dominique Vellard. The other CD ‘Birds’ contains harpsichord music from a.o. Couperin, Rameau and Byrd, performed by Elina Mustonen.

From Codex Las Huelgas (13th century):
1. Rex obiit et labitur (Planctus)
2. Casta Catholica. Da dulcis domina (two-voice conductus)
3. Gloria, spiritus et alme (Gloria with tropes, three-voice alternated with unison)
4. Sanctus veni redemptor gencium (sanctus with tropes)
5. Mater patris et filia (conductus three-voice)
6. Quod promisit ab eterno. (two-voice conductus).
7. Omnium in te Christe credencium (unison conductus)
8. Virgo Virginum (motet two-voice)
9. Claustrum Pudicicie/Virgo viget melius/Flos filius (motet three-voice)
10. Iocundare plebs fidelis (Prosa)

Ensemble Gilles Binchois conducted by Dominiqe Vellard
(CD Fons Luminis – Codex las Huelgas, Evidence EVCD051, 2018)

François Couperin (1668-1733)
11. Le Rossignol en-amour & Double du Rossignol
12. Les Fauvétes Plaintives
William Byrd (1553-1623)
13. Pavana Lachrymae
Jean Philippe Rameau (1683-1764)
14. Les Triolets
Elina Mustonen, harpsichord
(CD Birds – Elina Mustonen, Fuga FUGA-9447)

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