Concerts from around the country, recorded by Concertzender
Works by Ludwig von Beethoven, Dvorak and Weissenberg.
1. Ludwig von Beethoven – Trio in B-flat ‘Erzherzog’
2. Antonin Dvorak – Trio Dumky
Osiris Trio: Peter Brunt: violin. Larissa Groeneveld: cello. Ellen Corver: piano.
Recorded on 23-3-2019; Cruquius Gemaal, Cruquius;
Recording technique: Sabrina ter Horst
3. Alexis Weissenberg – from Songs by Charles Trenet (2018)
– Coin de rue
– Vous oubliez votre cheval
– En avril à Paris
– Boum!
– Vous qui passez sans me voir
– Ménilmontant
Marc-André Hamelin, piano
Recorded on 15-3-2019; Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ Grote Zaal , Amsterdam;
Recording technique: Sabrina ter Horst
4. Antonin Dvorak – Quintet in G, opus 77.
St. George Quintet: Liesbeth Baelus, Kaja Nowak: violin. Diede Verpoest: viola. Wouter Vercruysse: cello. Bram Decroix: double bass.
Recorded on 30-5-2019; Rabo Paviljoen Oranjewoud;
Recording technique: Tom Dunnebier