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thu 28 nov 2019 12:00 hrs

An educational programme featuring early music. Today we visit the kingdom Bohemia and its capital Prague in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

Heinrich von Meissen (1250 – 1318)
From: Der Taugenhort
1 In Gottes schoss
2 Der cron gestirn
3 Nun merckent
4 Stunt die sache
Per-Sonat (Sabine Lutzenberg, vocals; Norbert Rodenkirchen, medieval transverse flutes)
(CD: Der Taugenhort : Mystical Reflections in the Middle Ages. Christophorus CHR 77285, 2008)

Guillaume de Machaut (around 1300 – 1377)
5 De fortune me doi plaindre et loer (B23)
6 Dame se vous m’estes lointeinne (B37)
Musica Nova Ensemble led by Lucien Kandel
(CD: Ballades. Aeon AECD 0982, 2009)

From the Jistebnice Kantionál (around 1420)
7 In hoc anni circulo
8 Children young and old
9 By the word of the testament
Musica Bohemica led by Jaroslav Krček
(CD: Christmas Carols from the Jistebnice Hymnal. Supraphon SU – 3316 – 2 211, 1982/1997)

From the Codex Speciálnik (ca 1500)
10 Pane Bože bud pri nás
Bartholomeus Frank (? – 1523)
11 Muteta kokodác
12 Náš milý svatý Václave
Capella Mariana olv Vojtĕch Semerád
(CD: Codex speciálník : Polyphony in Prague around 1500. Etcetera Records KTC 1571, 2017)

Carolus Luython (1557 – 1620)
13 Missa basim Caesar Vive! (1609)
– Kyrie
– Gloria
– Sanctus
– Agnus Dei
Kryštof Harant (1564 – 1621)
14 Maria kron die Engel schon
Fraternitas Litteratorum led by Martin Horyna
(CD: Caesar vive! : Prague, 1609 music for emperor Rudolf II. Supraphon SU 3898-2, 2007)

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