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Master pianist Geoffrey Madge and Concertzender’s Louis Thörig share views on remarkable musicians past and present.

You can listen to the programme Madge Point on Sunday morning from 10 to 11 o’clock on 19 July( The repeat is on Thursday morning from 11 to 12 o’clock on 22 July 2021. Because of the coronavirus, this episode was recorded without Louis Thörig and in Geoffrey’s own studio instead of Marco Wensveen’s.

Episode 191 is a programme filled with special historical recordings.

1. Haydn Concerto in D major, part 2, Edwin Fischer, piano
and the Vienna Philharmonic conducted by Edwin Fischer.
2. Faure. Nocturne No. 3 and from the Goyescas of Granados. Artur
Rubinstein, piano
3. Chabrier. three examples from Pieces Pittoresques No. 6, 7 and
8. and Ballabile. Marcelle Meyer, piano.
4. Rachmaninov. Oriental Sketch. Sergei Rachmaninov, piano.
5. Ravel. Toccata. Benno Moiseiwitsch, piano.
6. Liszt. Don Juan fantasy. Simon Barere, piano.

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