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Thou singest ye carol

Evert Jan Nagtegaal and the Art of Song

Ballads – Part 2

This is the second part on Ballads (part 1 aired on 10 October) . In the first part, we featured Carl Loewe’s ballads; in this episode, you will hear a variety of composers and ballads that are just as diverse. The poets include François Villon, P.C. Hooft, Goethe, Heine, Bertold Brecht and Paul Fort.

According to van Dale, a ballad is “an epic lyric ( sorrowful) poem in stanzas”.


  1. Anna Cramer (rewritten for orchestra Jeppe Moulijn) – ‘Michel mit der Lanze’ (text: Otto Julius Bierbaum)
    Soprano Nathalie Mees, LKO Orchestra conducted by Stephan Pas
  2. Pieter Cornelisz Hooft – a.  ‘Galathea siet den dach comt aen’ (1602) b. ‘Klaghte der Prinsesse van Oranjen’(1630)
    Camerata Trajectina
  3. a. Bertha Frensel Wegener Koopman – ‘Des ballades au hameau’ (text: Paul Fort) Soprano Ingrid Kapelle and pianist Miklos Schwalb b. Henriëtte Bosmans – ‘Complainte du petit cheval blanc’ (text: Paul Fort)
    Baritone Evert Jan Nagtegaal and pianist Noël Lee
  4. a. Alphons Diepenbrock – ‘Es war ein alter König’ (text: Heinrich Heine) b. Gerrit Jan van Eijken – ‘Es war ein alter König’(text: Heine)
    Bass-baritone Marc Pantus nd pianist Rudolf Jansen.
  5. a. Carl Loewe – ‘Erlkönig’ (text: Goethe) Baritone Hermann Prey en pianist Michael Endres   b. Franz Schubert – ‘Erlkönig (Goethe)
    Baritone Christian Elsner  and pianist Hartmut Höll
  6. Heinrich von Herzogenberg (1843-1900)  – a. ‘Der letzte Palzgraf’ op.44/8 (text:n.n.)    b. ‘Die Waise’op.38/1 (text:n.n.)
    Soprano Andrea Boesen, tenor Hans Joachim Weber en Shoko Hayashizaki piano.
  7. Franz Liszt – a. ‘Die drei Zigeuner’ S.320 (text:Nikolaus Lenau) Baritone Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau and Jörg Demus b. ‘Die Loreley’ S.273 (text: Heinrich Heine)
    Soprano Mitsuko Shirai and pianist Hartmut Höll.
  8. a. Claude Debussy – ‘Ballade des femmes de Paris’ L.119/3 (text: François Villon) Bass-baritone Thierry Félix and pianist Standy David Lasry. B. Kurt Weill ‘Die Ballade von der sexuellen Hörigkeit’ (fom: Dreigroschen Oper, text Bertold Brecht)
    Anne Dammers singing and René Veen piano. Villon
  9. Mikis Theodorakis – ‘O Andonis’ (the Ballad of Mauthausen no.2) (text: Iakovos Kambanellis)
    Maria Farandouri, orchestra conducted by Mikis Theodorakis (1981)


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