Western religious music from different centuries.
In this episode we share only one work, the Missa ‘In angustia pestilentiae’ by 17th century Roman composer Orazio Benevoli.
Benevoli was one of the leading figures of his time in Rome’s music life. He was Kapellmeister of the Cappella Giulia in the Vatican from 1646 until his death in 1672. He was held in high regard as a composer. He had a clear preference for composing polychoral works. One of those is this mass for 16 voices and organ.
This work dates back to 1656, when Rome was hit by a plague. Pope Alexander VII was forced to take drastic measures to try and stop the spread of the plague. Among those measures was that no gatherings were allowed where lots of people would gather together, which would eventually include musical performances and processions. This mass may have been performed without anyone else present in St. Peter’s Basilica on 18 November 1656.
We will be listening to a performance in which the Mass is embedded in a liturgical framework.
Orazio Benevoli (1605-1672)
1. Missa ‘In angustia pestilentiae’ a 16
– gregorian: [Introitus] Terribilis est locus iste
– Orazio Benevoli: Kyrie, Credo
– gregorian: [Collecta] Deus qui nobis
– gregorian: [Epistola] Revelation 21, 2-5
– Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583-1643): Canzon dopo la pistola (from: Messa della Domenica)
– gregorian: [Evangelium] Lukas 19,1-10
– Orazio Benevoli: Credo
– gregorian: [Offertorium] Domine Deus in simplicitate
– Girolamo Frescobaldi: Capriccio sopra la Girolmeta
– gregorian: Praefatio festivo
– Orazio Benevoli: Sanctus
– Tarquinio Merula (1595-1665): Intonazione cromatica del 4° tono
– gregorian: Pater noster
– gregorian: Pax Domini
– Orazio Benevoli: Agnus Dei
– gregorian: [Communio] Domus mea
– Johann Jacob Froberger (1616-1667): Ricercare XIV
– gregorian: Ite missa est
Cappella Musicale di Santa Maria in Campitelli conducted by Vincenzo Di Betta; Franco Vito Gaiezza, organ
(CD: “Missa In angustia pestilentiae” – Tactus TC 600201, 2018)
Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583-1643)
2. Canzona quinta
Liuwe Tamminga, organ
(CD: “Works for organ” – Accent ACC 96120 D, 1998)