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The Night: Classical

sun 13 feb 2022 04:00 hrs

Recent CD releases.

Works by Elfferich [pictured], Potet, Schubert & Rachmaninov.

04.00 Works for 2 pianos by the Delft-based composer Jeroen Elfferich (born 1965).
1. Himmel. 2. Overpass. 3. The Long Wave. 4. Wasser. 5. Piano Matra One. 6. Zero.
Jeroen Elfferich, piano 1 & 2.

04.45 Works by French composer Nils Potet (1979).
With Émanations (2011) & Lointaines résonances (2013) amongst others.
Realisation: Nils Potet.

06.00 Franz Schubert. 1. Overture in C minor, D.8a.
2. String quartet in E flat major, D. 87.  3. String quartet fragment in C minor, D.703.
Diogenes Quartet.

06.45 Sergei Rachmaninov. Three piano preludes.
Lukas Geniusas, piano.

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