Live-opnames (Wereldmuziek).
Bilja Krstic & the Bistrik Orchestra
live in Belgrado in de Dom Sindikata, december 2016.
Concert took place in the context of the 15th anniversary of the Bistrik Orchestra.
The concert was broadcast live on national television.
- Korube
- Kraj potoka bistre vode
- Jana i Turcin
- Jano sevdalino
- Jovano, Jovanke
- Dosao sam da te vidim
- Izgrejala sjajna mesecina
- Kozar/Zurli trestat
- Veliko narodno oro
- Ne goni konja mori momice
- Gde ima voda studena Radule
- Puce puska niz godu zelenu
- Ma fakut muma frumose
With special thanks to Bilja Krstic for making this concert available especially for Concertzender Live (World Music)