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World Minerals

sat 16 apr 2022 00:00 hrs


Ukraine Calling


  • Haydamaky – Ukraine Calling



Special at the Concertzender, about the Ukraine!

De Concertzender let Ukraine talk.

Listen to special audio / voice from Ukrainian musicians.


Listen to:

Yuri Bukovynets van de Hudaki Village band

  • Hudaki Village band – Dorule


Olga Avigail Mieleszcuk

  • Goodby Odessa


Anna Shternshis

  • Yiddsh Glory – Transnistrian Lullaby
  • Yiddsh Glory – Babi Yar


Mariana Sadovska

  • Interview with Acoustic Roots
  • Cycle of Wedding songs
  • Cycle of spring calling songs from Polissia


  • Zoloti Klyuchi – Oj, Pry Luzhku


Special thanks to Daniel Rosenberg

Produced by:
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