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Bach Ad Infinitum

mon 2 may 2022 13:00 hrs

Govert Jan Bach’s weekday programme about the oeuvre of Johann Sebastian Bach.

Episode 1061. In this Bach week, we will hear cantatas for the first and second Sunday after Easter, and Die Kunst der Fuge by Geoffrey Madge. Later this week, we will broadcast a live recording of the St. John Passion Xi, by Collegium Delft (13 April 2022 in Utrecht).


Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
1. Cantata “Halt Im Gedächtnis Jesum Christ”, BWV 67 (Zum Quasimodogeniti)
-1. Choir – “Halt Im Gedächtnis Jesum Christ”
-2. Aria (Tenor) – “Mein Jesus Ist Erstanden”
-3. Recitative (Alto) – “Mein Jesu, Heißest Du Des Todes Gift”
-4. Choral – “Erschienen Ist Der Herrlich Tag”
-5. Recitative (Alto) – “Doch Scheinest Fast, Daß Mich Der Feinde Rest”
-6. Aria (Bass) and Choir (Soprano, Alto, Tenor) – “Friede Sei Mit Euch”
-7. Choral – “Du Friedefürst, Herr Jesu Christ”
Margot Oitzinger, alt. Bernhard Berchtold, tenor. Dominik Wörner, bass. J.S. Bach Stiftung St. Gallen led by Rudolf Lutz


2. From ‘Die Kunst der Fuge’, BWV 1080
-1 Contrapunctus I
-2 Contrapunctus II
-3 Contrapunctus III
-4 Contrapunctus IV
-5 Contrapunctus V
-6 Contrapunctus VI À 4 In Stylo Francese
-7 Contrapunctus VII À 4 Per Augmentationem Et Diminutionem
-8 Contrapunctus VIII À 3
-9 Contrapunctus IX À 4 Alla Duodecima
-10 Contrapunctus X À 4 Alla Decima
Geoffrey Madge, piano
(cd J.S. Bach – The Art of Fugue, Zefir Records ZEF 9683, 2021)


3. Fugue in D Minor (Die Kunst der Fuge, BWV 1080)

The Swingle Singers


Featured image: ‘The Incredulity of Saint Thomas’ by Caravaggio


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