Musical Romanticism, explored by Pieter de Oude.
A full hour of Brahms, the personal favourite of this programme maker. We present Brahms for choir by the unsurpassed Cappella Amsterdam, conducted by the equally illustrious Daniel Reuss from Arnhem.
The first composition, Warum ist das Licht gegeben, immediately sets the mood. Brahms was a connoisseur of great vocals and also of choral sounds. Throughout his artistic life, he conducted several choirs, including a women’s choir, and we hear this in the Drei Motette. Another highlight of this programme is the famous Schicksallied, now for choir and two pianos.
- Johannes Brahms – Warum ist das Licht gegeben dem Mühseligen, Op. 74 no. 1
- Johannes Brahms – Schicksalslied, Op. 54
- Johannes Brahms – Fünf Gesänge, Op. 104
- Johannes Brahms – Drei Motette, Op. 110
- Johannes Brahms – Drei Quartette
Cappella Amsterdam led by Daniel Reuss / Philip Mayers and Angela Gassenhubber, piano (2)