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The Source of Sound

mon 19 sep 2022 18:00 hrs
Composer: Traditional

The Source of Sound episode 82: Sudan.
Lyres, the Nuba and Waza Wind Orchestras.

A broadcast on the multifaceted music of Sudan. We start in northern Nubia with songs accompanied by a kisir – as the lyre is known there – frame drums or taar, dance songs sung without words, the Hm Bee genre, and a song accompanied by the sound of a water wheel. Next, we move on to music from the Nuba people, who are best known for appearing in photographs taken by Hitler’s favourite film-maker Leni Riefenstahl, but whose music was rarely recorded and whose culture has now largely disappeared. This is followed by a number of works by inhabitants of South Kordofan of the Dinka, another wordless song by the Chalabla nomads and two Waza wind orchestra pieces played on trumpets and horns made from gourds and other vegetable materials. Living on the border of Sudan and South Sudan, the people who make this kind of music have suffered a great deal from the long and often bloody war for the independence of the South. We conclude today’s programme with a number of ceremonial dances accompanied by a tambura, as the lyre is called at the Sudanese border with Ethiopia.


01 Waya-logo Wayag onnon                                                   2’27
Hussein Mohammed Ahmed Wagiya Allah: vocals and kisir (lyra)
LP Musik der Nubier
Museum Collection Berlin MC 9, 1 A4
recorded Artur Simon

02 Ay fa kirnnoogonilla                                                            6’39
Dahab Khalil: vocals and kisir
LP Musik der Nubier
Museum Collection Berlin MC 9, 1 A1
recordings Artur Simon

03 Ajjibeeri dessa massoodta daffo                                      4’16
Mohammed Awad: vocals and kisir
LP Musik der Nubier
Museum Collection Berlin MC 9, 1 A2
recordings Artur Simon

04 Allah ya saada leeh                                                              3’27
Soliman Abu Zeid: vocals and taar (frame drum),
Mohammed Fadl Bilal: taar,Ramadan Soliman,
Hassan Ahmed Mohammed Ramadan, Ahmed
Moheddin, Ahmed Merghanni: chorus
LP Musik der Nubier
Museum Collection Berlin MC 9, 1B 3
recordings Artur Simon

05 Wadi Halfa wo hanina                                                         3’41
Ali Ahmed Ali: vocals and taar, Gamal Ahmed Soliman:
vocals and taar, Gamal Ahmed Soliman: vocals and riqq
(tambourine), Abd El-Rahman: vocals, 8 chorus singers
LP Musik der Nubier
Museum Collection Berlin MC 9, 1B 4
recordings Artur Simon

06 Hm bee                                                                                 2’28
Hassan Fagir, Salah Kurdi, Khalil Soliman: vocals,
hand clapping, foot stamping
LP Musik der Nubier
Museum Collection Berlin MC 9, 2A 1
recordings Artur Simon

07 Hm bee                                                                                 4’21
7 young men from El-Ghaddar
LP Musik der Nubier
Museum Collection Berlin MC 9, 2A 2
recordings Artur Simon

08 Singing on the eskalee                                                     3’07
Salih Ali Soliman: vocals
LP Musik der Nubier
Museum Collection Berlin MC 9, 2A 6
recordings Artur Simon

09 Danse tribale avec chants de femmes Nouba Min     3’19
LP Soudan pays des Nouba
Disques VDE-Gallo VDE 30-294, A1
Recordings Pierre et Eliane Dubois

10 Danse des Hommes avec comes et hochet,                 4’21
Nouba Min
LP Soudan pays des Nouba
Disques VDE-Gallo VDE 30-294, A3
Recordings Pierre et Eliane Dubois

11 Tambours et chants rituels de la danse de Nyertoun.  2’57
Nouba Kau
LP Soudan pays des Nouba
Disques VDE-Gallo VDE 30-294, A5
Recordings Pierre et Eliane Dubois

12 Chants de jeunes filles lors de rejouissances a Abiey.  2’41
LP Soudan pays des Nouba
Disques VDE-Gallo VDE 30-294, A6
Recordings Pierre et Eliane Dubois

13 Chants des hommes à Delami.                                           1’36
Nomades Arabes Chalabla
LP Soudan pays des Nouba
Disques VDE-Gallo VDE 30-294, B2
Recordings Pierre et Eliane Dubois

14 Musiques au son de waza trompes en fruits séchés.     1’23
Noir arabes du Sud-Kordofan
LP Soudan pays des Nouba
Disques VDE-Gallo VDE 30-294, B4
Recordings Pierre et Eliane Dubois

15 Waza musik                                                                              4’21
Comp: Dandale
MC Musik in Afrika
Museum für Völkerkunde Berlin, MC 2 A 48
recorded Artur Simon

16 Ceremonial dance-songs                                                      8’12
CD Sudan Music of The Blue Nile Province the Ingessana and Berta tribes
Auvidis D 8073, tr 1
UNESCO Collection of Traditional Music of the World. An Anthology of African Music.
recorded Robert Gottlieb


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