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Sound the Trumpet, Strike the Viol!

Early music expert Kees Koudstaal dishes out the finest and most recent CDs of early and classical music. Today 18th and early 19th-century music on the new CDs by The Beggar’s Ensemble, Quartetto Vanvitelli, Rautio Piano Trio and Ensemble Les Surprises.

1. Jean-Marie Leclair (1697-1764)
– Violin concerto in g minor. Opus 10, no. 6
Performers: The Beggar’s Ensemble conducted by Augustin Lusson, violin
(CD: ‘Elite de bons mots’, Flora 5321, 2022)


2. Guiseppe Agus (1722-1798)
– Violin sonata in c major. Opus 1, no. 3
Performers: Quartetto Vanvitelli
(CD: ‘Sonata a violino solo e basso’, Arcana A532, 2022)


3. Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)
– Part 1 of the Piano Trio Opus 1, no. 1: Allegro
Performers: Rautio Piano Trio
(CD: ‘Beethoven – Piano Trios Op 1, Nos. 1 & 2’, Resonus RES10305, 2022)


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
4. Church Sonata No. 1 in E-flat gr. KV 67
5. Church sonata no. 17 in c major KV 336
6. Ariette ‘Dans un bois solitaire’, KV 308
Performers: Marc Mauillon, tenor. Louis-Noël Bestion de Camboulas, organ and fortepiano. Ensemble Les Surprises
(2cd: ‘An unexpected Mozart’, Harmonia Mundi HMM 902396.97, 2022)

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