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Roaming The Classical Period

tue 18 jun 2024 10:00 hrs

Instrumental music by three of the greats of the Classical Period. First, a sonata for violin and fortepiano by Ludwig van Beethoven. Then, symphonic music by Franz Joseph Haydn. Finally, we will play music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)
1. Violin sonata in A major Opus 30, no. 1
– I. Allegro
– II. Adagio molto espressivo
– III. Allegretto con variazioni
Performed by: Viktoria Mullova, violin. Alesdair Beatson, fortepiano
(CD label: Signum Classics no. SIGCD194)

Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)
2. Symphony no. 85 in B-flat major, Hob. 1.85 ‘La Reine’
– I. Allegro
– II. Romance. Allegretto
– III. Minuet. Trio
– IV. Finale. Presto
Performed by: Kammerorchester Basel conducted by Giovanni Antoni
(CD label: Alpha no. 696)

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
3. Rondo in a minor
Performed by: Keiko Shichijo, fortepiano
(CD label: Bridge no. 9570)

Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)
4. Minuet.Trio from the trio for baritone, viola and cello, Hob. XI no. 66
Performed by: Philippe Pierlot, ‘baritone’. François Fernandez, viola. Reiner Zipperling, cello
(CD label: Flora no. 0102)


Op afbeelding: Mozart, Haydn en Beethoven

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