Traditional-classicale music from Iran and Afghanistan by:
Z a r b a n g + G h a z a l + U s t a d F a r i d a M a h w a s h.
Call to Love – Z a r b a n g.
Zarbang, composed of the best percussionists from Iran and Afghanistan, is a group influenced by tribal rhythms and shows that they can adapt their instruments to different cultures, while staying true to the essence of each instrument. With its dynamic, meditative and introverted aesthetic approach, Zarbang touches all changing situations, starting from Sufi and Persian rhythms.
CD. Call to love – Zarbang.
LABEL: Hermes (2012), code: HER-044. VIDEO
As night falls on the silk road – G h a z a l.
Ghazal is a band formed by Kurdish-Iranian kamencheh player Kayhan Kalhor, Indian sitar player Shujaat Khan, and Indian tabla player Swapan Chaudhuri. Together they play music that combines North Indian and Persian classical and light classical traditions. Ghazal was nominated for the Grammy Award for Best Traditional World Music Album in 2004.
CD. As night falls on the silk road – Ghazal.
LABEL: Shanachie (1998), code: 66011. VIDEO
Radio Kaboul – U s t a d F a r i d a M a h w a s h.
Farida Mahwash is one of the most popular radio singers from Afghanistan. For her own safety, she sought political asylum in the United States in 1991, after a stay in Pakistan. Her title Ustad (‘master’), quite exceptional for a woman, she was already given in 1977. In its all-destructive regime, the Taliban threw most of her recordings of music on the stake after her departure. She herself says she is not involved in politics: ‘Art’, she says herself, ‘is about affection and kindness’. On her recent CD Radio Kaboul, Farida Mahwash pays tribute to the composers with whom she once worked.
CD. Radio Kaboul, Ustad Farida Mahwash.
LABEL: Accords Croisés (2003), code: ACC 100. VIDEO
Producer: Cobie Ivens
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