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An Early Evening Stroll

tue 28 apr 2020 19:00 hrs

On a road to the lesser-known …

In today’s episode you can listen to chamber music by Frantisek Krommer-Kramár, lso known as Franz Krommer.

In today’s episode you will hear a number of compositions by a man known under different names: Frantisek Krommer-Kramár. He was born as Frantisek Kramár in Kamenice (in Moravia) in 1759. His uncle gave him organ and violin lessons, and from 1785 he continued his studies in Vienna where he adopted the German name Franz Krommer. He made a career as Kapellmeister to various noblemen, and in 1818 he was appointed imperial court composer and Kapellmeister at the court of Franz I of Austria. He succeeded Leopold Kozeluch, who in his turn succeeded Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. In addition to symphonies and solo concerts, Krommer also composed a great deal of chamber music, of which you will hear some examples during this hour.


  1. Frantisek Krommer-Kramár: String Quartet opus 18 no. 2 in A. Quartetto di Milano
  2. Frantisek Krommer-Kramár: Partita in E flat, opus 29. Nachtmusique
  3. Frantisek Krommer-Kramár: Partita à 10 in B flat. Collegium musicum Pragense led by Frantisek Vajnar
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