An Early Evening Stroll | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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An Early Evening Stroll

tue 17 may 2022 19:00 hrs

Anton Arenski (1861-1906).

On today’s broadcast of An Early Evening Stroll, we take another look at the largely forgotten oeuvre of Russian composer Anton Arensky (1861-1906), colleague and friend of Tchaikovsky. Arensky was a student of Rimsky-Korsakov and helped him compose an opera. At age 22, Arensky wrote his First Symphony, a well orchestrated piece that one rarely hears these days. Almost ten years later he presented his Second Suite for two pianos, a colourful collection of light-hearted musical pieces.





Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov: ‘Dance of the Birds’ from Suite ‘The Snowmaiden’

Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra

Evgeny Svetlanov


Anton Arenski: Sympony no. 1 in B minor, opus 4

Russian State Symphony Orchestra

Valeri Polianski


Anton Arenski: Suite no. 2 for 2 pianos, op. 23

Stephen Coombs, piano

Ian Munro, piano


Anton Arenski: Scherzino op 25/4

Stephen Coombs, piano


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