Bach Ad Infinitum | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Bach Ad Infinitum

mon 20 jun 2016 13:00 hrs
Genre: Baroque
Composer: Johann Sebastian Bach

A daily programme about the oeuvre of Johann Sebastian Bach with producer Govert Jan Bach and host Joop van Zijl.
Episode 376: the start of a new, varied week with cantatas, organ music, a musical solo portrait of cellist Jean-Guihen Queyras and a hearingclass.

1. Lass, Fürstin, lass noch einen Strahl BWV 198 (Trauerode)
Joanne Lunn, soprano. Robin Blaze, countertenor. Gerd Türk, tenor. Dominik Wörner, bass. Bach Collegium Japan conducted by Masaaki Suzuki
(BIS- 2181)
From Markus Passion BWV 247, reconstruction Alexander Grytcholik:
2. Opening chorus Geh Jesu, geh zu deiner Pein
3. Alto aria mein Heiland dich vergess ich nicht
4. Final chorus Bei deine Grab und Leichenstein
Terry Wey, countertenor. Knabenkantorei Basel and Barockorchester Capriccio conducted by Markus Teutschbein
(Rondeau ROP60909)
Hosted by Joop van Zijl

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