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Bonum Est

wed 22 may 2013 14:00 hrs
Genre: Gregorian Chant
Composers: Gregoriaans | Nicolaus

Bonum Est: a programme on Gregorian Chant. Eastern Liturgies 21 – Saint Nicolas and the processions of Bari.

The feast of the Holy Saint Nicolas of Bari is on May 8th. It is the closure of a series of processions celebrated since Holy Week in the various districts. 

You will hear field recordings of the funeral march of Molfetta, the Miserere of Conversano and the Stava Maria dolente of Canosa.
1. Doxastikon Hierarchon tin kallonin (Nikolaos, 6 december), Ichos Plagios Devteros
Ioannis Stavrou (Moni Kaltezon) 2011
2. G. B. Bononcini (1670-1747)
– Oratorio "San Nicola di Bari"; Aria [San Nicola]: Io non vuò (Allegro)
Gabriella Martellacci, alto. Les Muffatti led by Peter van Heyghen 
(Ramée RAM 0806, 2008)
3. I Timpanisti Nicolaus Barium Processie 
(Field recording: Centro storico, Bari 8 May 2012)
4. Procession of the Pilgrims in the Basilica S. Nicola di Bari
(Field recording: Basilica San Nicola di Bari, 8 & 9 May 2011)
5. Procession with Banda (Good Friday, Cathedral of Molfetta) 
(Field recording: Molfetta, 10 April 2009)
6. Miserere, Good Friday
(Field recording: Conversano, 10 April 2009)
7. Stava Maria dolente, Holy Saturday
(Field recording: Canosa, 11 April 2009)
8. Miserere & Stava Maria dolente
(Field recording: Canosa, 11 April 2009)
On picture at the top: the Basilica San Nicola of Bari
On picture at the bottom: women of Canosa at the procession on Holy Saturday "Madonna Desolata" (photo: Renata Oggero)
CANOSA_foto_Renata Oggero.JPG

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