Chronicle of Dutch Music | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Chronicle of Dutch Music

wed 16 jan 2019 19:00 hour
Composer: Wim Zwaag

Music by Dutch composers or performers. Works from Wim Zwaag (1960).


1. Adagio, for viola and piano (2005): Adagio ma fluente.
David Abrahamyan, viola. Jeroen Riemsdijk, piano.

2. From: 24 Preludes for piano (2004), nos 11 to 18 in B, G sharp, G flat, E flat, D flat, B flat, A and F nicknamed: ‘Tango’.
Paul Komen, piano.

3. Five Neruda songs (2009).
Anja Wilbrink, mezzo soprano. Victoria Symphony conducted by Tania Miller.

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