Chronicle of Dutch Music | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Chronicle of Dutch Music

tue 8 feb 2022 21:00 hour

Music by Dutch composers or performers.

Works by Amsterdam composer Conrad Friedrich Hurlebusch (1691-1765).

1. Overture for organ in D minor.
Henny Heikens, Reichner organ (1786) in the Oude Kerk in Rijswijk.

2. Concerto in A minor for 2 horns, bassoon, violin and string players.
Capella Clementina conducted by Helmut Müller-Brühl. 

3. Organ sonata in G major, opus 6 no. 3.
Gert Oost, organ at Utrecht University.

4. Concerto in A minor, for violin, 2 oboes, string players and basso continuo.
Manfred Kraemer, violin. Paul van de Linden & Kristine Linde, oboe.
Musica ad Rhenum conducted by Jed Wentz. 

5. Cantata ‘Tu parti idolo mio’, opus 3 no. 1.
Elin Rombo, soprano. Rebaroque.


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