Chronicle of Dutch Music | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Chronicle of Dutch Music

tue 2 aug 2022 21:00 hour

Music by Dutch composers or performers: Willem Frederik Bon (1940-1983).

1. Concerto for string orchestra (1970).
Caecilia Consort.

2. Oboe concerto (1974).
Frank van Koten, oboe.
Netherlands Radio Chamber Orchestra led by Ernest Bour.

3. Cello sonata (1966).
Hans Woudenberg, cello. Marja Bon, piano.

4. From: Les Quatre Saisons: Le Printemps (1979).
Roberta Alexander, soprano.
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra led by Bernard Haitink.

5. Miniatures (1966).
Marja Bon, piano.


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