Chronicle of Dutch Music | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Chronicle of Dutch Music

tue 30 aug 2022 21:00 hour
Composer: Luctor Ponse

Music by Dutch composers or performers: Luctor Ponse (1914-1998).

1. String quartet no. 2 (1947).
Ensemble Wendingen.

2. Etude I (1964/65).

3. Violin concerto no. 2 (1965).
Yossef Zivoni, violin.
The Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra led by Jean Fournet.

4. Béla Bartók. Part 3 from Sonata for 2 pianos and percussion.
Géza Frid & Luctor Ponse, piano.
Members of the London Symphony Orchestra.

Produced by:
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