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Chronicle of Dutch Music

tue 4 feb 2025 21:00 hrs

Gerard von Brucken Fock, talented and yet forgotten

An episode about this mostly forgotten Dutch pianist, composer, music critic and painter Gerard von Brucken Fock (1859-1935). Edward Grieg called him the ‘Dutch Chopin’, and its especially his piano music that has a special quality. Today, we honour his music again.


Gerard von Brucken Fock (1859-1935).

1. Moments Musicaux, opus 11, no.4 and 5 (1891).
Julius Röntgen, piano roll, performed by Niels Berkers.

2. From 24 Praeludien, opus 15, no.15 and 21 (1901).
Jan Wijn, piano

3. Four Moments Musicaux, opus 11 (1891).
Marianne Boer, piano.

4. Sonata for viola and piano (1885).
Edith van Moergastel, viola. Marianne Boer, piano.

5. Psalm 1 (1899).
Dodecachordon conducted by Marcel Lambrichts.


A çomprehensive biography of this composer was published by Eric L. Matser in 2021 (in Dutch): “De Hollandse Chopin, met een uitgebreide
lijst van zijn composities en schilderwerken”.

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