Chronicles of Dutch Music | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Chronicles of Dutch Music

wed 1 mar 2017 19:00 hrs

Music by Dutch composers or performers. The Concert Hall Orchestra plays works of Olthuis, Flothuis, Escher en Bon.

1. Kees Olthuis (geb. 1940). Theseus fantasy (1984).
2. Marius Flothuis (1914-2001). Hymnus, for soprano and large orchestra, opus 67 (1965).
Erna Spoorenberg, soprano.
Concert Hall Orchestra conducted by Bernard Haitink.

3. Rudolf Escher (1912-1980). Musique pour l’esprit de deuil (1941/43). Concert Hall Orchestra conducted by Hans Vonk.

4. Willem Frederik Bon (1940-1983). ‘Le Printemps’, for soprano and orchestra (1978). Roberta Alexander, soprano.
Concert Hall Orchestra conducted by Bernard Haitink.

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