A selection of the CD releases discussed in the Klassieke Zaken (Classical Matters) magazine.
Today, a programme with oriental sounds of Caccini and Kirchner, alternating with Strozzi, Monteverdi and Beethoven’s first symphony.
1. CD ‘Dalla Porta d’Oriente’ The Manuscript of Ali Ufki.
a. Giulio Caccini. Dalla Porta d’Oriente.
b. Barbara Strozzi. Che si può fare?
c. Traditional. Fronni d’alia – Ey Saraban.
Marco Beasley, singing. Constantinople conducted by Kiya Tabasian.
[Glossa GCD 924501]
2. Ludwig van Beethoven. Symphony No.1
Le Concert des Nations conducted by Jordi Savall.
[Alia Vox AVSA 9937]
3. CD ‘Dalla Porta d’Oriente’ The Manuscript of Ali Ufki.
a. Athanasius Kirchner. Compendium Tarantulae.
b. Claudio Monteverdi. Morte di Clorinda.
Marco Beasley, singing. Constantinople conducted by Kiya Tabasian.
[Glossa GCD 924501]
The programme has been compiled by Peter Nijland in order of Klassieke Zaken, which is also publisher of the free bimonthly Klassieke Zaken.