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Classical Matters

sun 7 mar 2021 14:00 hour
Composer: Joseph Haydn

A selection of the CD releases discussed in the Klassieke Zaken (Classical Matters) magazine.

Two new CDs: Requiem from Biber by Vox Luminis & String Quartets opus 74 from Haydn performed by the Maxwell Quartet.

This programme was compiled by Peter Nijland on behalf of Klassieke Zaken (Classical Matters), also the publisher of the free bi-monthly magazine Klassieke Zaken.



1. Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber (1644-1704). Requiem in F minor, C8.
Vox Luminis. 
Freiburger Barockorchester conducted by Lionel Meunier.
[Alpha 665]

2. Joseph Haydn (1732-1809). String Quartet in C major, opus 74 no. 1.
Maxwell Quartet.
[Linn Records CKD641]

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