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Concertzender Live

mon 8 feb 2016 20:00 hrs

Recordings from concerts in the Netherlands, made by the Concertzender.
a. Recording from TivoliVredenburg, Hertz, Utrecht of 17 December 2015
b. Recording from New Church, Groningen of 3 August 2013.

1. Samuel Barber – Dover Beach, opus 3 (1931)
Robert Holl – bass baritone
Rubens quartet:
Sarah Kapustin – violin
Tali Goldberg – violin
Roeland Jagers – viola
Joachim Eijlander – cello
2. Johannes Brahms – String quartet no.3 in B flat major, opus 67 (1875)
3. Anton Webern – Sechs Bagatellen für Streichquartett, opus 9 (1911-1913)
Rubens Kwartet: 
Sarah Kapustin – violin
Tali Goldberg – violin
Roeland Jagers – viola
Joachim Eijlander – cello
4. Othmar Schoeck – Notturno, opus 47 (1931-33) on poems by Nikolaus Lenau: Erstes Buch, in Frühling, in Liebe und Vermählung

Robert Holl – bass baritone
Rubens Kwartet:
Sarah Kapustin – violin
Tali Goldberg – violin
Roeland Jagers – viola
Joachim Eijlander – cello
5. Monique Krüs – The Tsar, his wife, her lover and his head (2013) scene 6+13
soloists and ensemble conducted by Monique Krüs.

Recording technique: Wijnand de Groot (1-4); Tom Dunnebier (5)

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