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Concertzender Live

Concerts from around the country, recorded by Concertzender (Classical & Early Music). Two recordings from 2016 of early music concerts: Dutch Chamber Choir during the Early Music Festival 2016 and Cantamare during the Gregorian Festival 2016.

A) Hebrew psalms of Marcello – Dutch Chamber Choir (see photo)
Early Music Festival 2016, Utrecht 2016

Benedetto Marcello (1686-1739)
1. Psalm XI In the Lord my God (Intonation of the German Jews upon the psalm)
William Byrd (1543-1623)
2. O Lord, turn thy wrath away (‘Ne irascaris Domine’, from William Boyce, Cathedral Music)
Thomas Morley (1557/68-1602)
3. The service for the burial of the dead (from William Boyce, Cathedral Music)
Benedetto Marcello
4. Psalm XVII I will always love thee (Intonation of the Spanish Jews upon the hymn, Intonation of the German Jews upon, Intonation of the fifth ecclesiastical tone)
5. Canon triples a sex vocibus infinitus In omnem terram exivit

Dutch Chamber Choir conducted by Richard Egarr
Recording: 1 September 2016, Pieterskerk Utrecht
Sound engineer: Sem de Jongh
Production: Wijnand de Groot

B) Jeroen Bosch in the Narrenschip – Vocal Ensemble Cantamare
Gregorian Festival 2016

Het Vertrek
Juan Francés de Iribarren (1699-1767)
6. Stabat Mater
7. Salve Regina
Giovanni P. da Palestrina (1525-1594)
8. Salve Regina

De Reis
9. Comt en laet ons gaen
Pierre Certon (1515-1575)/Silvère van Lieshout (1951-)
10. Je ne l’ose dire
Clemens non Papa (1510-1555)
11. Ick seg adieu
Kurt Bikkembergs (1963-)
12. Vox in Rama

De Aankomst
Vic Nees (1936-2013)
13. Lux fulgebit
Lyn Williams (1963-)
14. Festive Alleluia
Stephen Hatfield (1956-)
15. Las Amarillas

Vocal Ensemble Cantamare conducted by Silvère van Lieshout
Recording: 4 juni 2016, Grote Kerk ‘s Hertogenbosch
Sound engineer and production: Kees van de Wiel

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