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Concertzender Live

Concerts from around the country, recorded by Concertzender. Early music concerts performed by Aventure, Ensemble Odyssee and harpsichord player Alexandra Nepomnyaschaya.

A) Man van Smarten (The Man of Sorrows), a 15th century passion – Aventure

Neumarkter Cantionale (1474-1484), arr. I. Hijmans/Buxheimer Orgelbuch
1. Lamentacio Mensche nu leit smerczyn/Preambulum super re/O, liben kint der cristenheit

Neumarkter Cantionale/Anoniem, Trente codex 88
2. Preambulum super mi/Lamentacio O, quam grandes affliciones

Mönch von Salzburg (late 14th century)
3. Preambula super re en fa/Des munichsz passion/Die nacht wirt schier des hymmels gast

Buxheimer Orgelbuch (ca 1460)/Neumarkter Cantionale
4. Pange lingua/Preambula super mi/Lamentacio O, mensche bedecke dy not

Hs Zwolle Emm. VI (late 15th century)/UB Gent hs 1330 and secco Sprang-Capelle
5. Crux fidelis/Jhesu Criste dijn passie nagelen ende doot

Aventure, ensemble for medieval music: Christopher Kale, countertenor. Marco Magalhães, Fumitaka Saito and Ita Hijmans, recorder
Recorded: Sunday 9 April 2017, Waalse Kerk, Amsterdam
Sound engineer: Larva Peruzzotti, producer: Wijnand de Groot


B) Fabulous Fringeconcert Early Music Festival 2013
Alexandra Nepomnyaschaya, harpsichord (photo on the right)

Johann Jacob Froberger (1616-1667)
6. Toccata FbWV 112

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
7. Partita no 5 in G Major BWV 829
– Preambulum
– Allemande
– Courante
– Sarabande
– Menuet
– Passepied
– Gigue

Georg Muffat (1653-1704)
8. Passacaglia in g minor

Alexandra Nepomnuyaschaya, harpsichord
Recorded: 1 September 2013, Leeuwenbergh, Utrecht
Sound engineer: Sander Friedeman, producer: Wijnand de Groot


C) From: Concerto for a small Flute – Ensemble Odyssee

William Babell (1689/90-1723)
9. Sinfonia in A Major

Ensemble Odyssee: Eva Saladin and Ivan Iliev, violin. Agnieszka Oszanca, cello. Andrea Friggi, harpsichord
Recorded: 22 November 2016, Muziekcentrum de Toonzaal, ‘s-Hertogenbosch
Sound engineer and producer: Kees van de Wiel


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