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Concertzender Live

fri 2 apr 2021 14:00 hrs

Song recitals with Christoph Prégardien and Josep-Ramon Olivé

Two song recitals this afternoon in Concertzender Live Classical. We will start with tenor Christoph Prégardien. His recital was more than two years ago already, in the Muziekgebouw Aan Het IJ. His usual companion accompanied him on the modern grand piano, Michael Gees. Ballads by Loewe: everyone has heard of them, but nobody sings them. Prégardien dared to do so, as well as Schumann and Liszt’s narrative songs. The Loreley seduces us all, and shortly after that, Mahler does the same with his impressive Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen. After two blocks of shorter songs will conclude with the Ständchen, everything by Schubert. From the Muziekgebouw, we will walk to the Kleine Zaal of the Van Baerlestraatto listen to young Spanish baritone Josep-Ramon Olivé. On 19 December 2018, he was accompanied by British pianist Ian Tindale. Five magnificent Schubert songs, including Du bist die Ruh, are followed by Richard Strauss’ unforgettable Morgen, and finally his Heimliche Aufforderung.

1. Loewe, Carl – Der Nöck, Elkönig, Tom der Reimer
2. Schumann, Robert – Belsazar
3. Liszt, Franz – Die Loreley
4. Mahler, Gustav – Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen
5. Schubert, Franz – Versunken, Willkommen und Abschied, Nachtstück, Abschied
6. Schubert, Franz – Am mein Herz, Der Eisame, Aufenthalt, Die Mutter Erde
7. Schubert, Franz – An dem Mond, Rastlose Liebe, Abschied, Ständchen
Christoph Prégardien: tenor
Michael Gees: piano
8. Schubert, Franz – An mein Herz, Du bist die Ruh, An die Leier, Die Götter Grriechenlands, Auf der Bruck
9. Strauss, Richard – Morgen, Heimliche Aufforderung
Josep-Ramon Olivé, baritone ; Ian Tindale, piano

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