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Concertzender Live

Compiled by our Classical Music desk.

We are all familiar with the great masterpieces of Mozart and Haydn. But do you also know their songs?

Perhaps you did not know that they wrote any songs at all. The song was not considered a major art form until Schubert. Before that, it was held in low esteem: songs were music for amateurs, only meant to be played indoors.

Yet these two masters of the classical style have also written songs. To be performed in the market place, between friends, or just for fun. Stripped-down cantatas, arias for the piano, and folk songs. And talent cannot be concealed. Despite the modest status of the song, they often knew how to embellish it or give it an interesting twist. Mozart, in particular, was ahead of Schubert in this respect. In order to emphasise this, we will also hear a few songs by the grand master at the end of the programme.


1. Glück (Johann Friedrich Reichardt)
2. Cupido (Haydn)
3. O fließ, ja wallend fließ in Zähren
4. Der verdienstvolle Sylvius
5. Das Leben ist ein Traum
6. Piano sonata in C, Hob. XVI:50
7. The Spirit’s Song
8. Recollection
9. The Mermaid’s Song
10. Arianne a Naxos
11. Das Veilchen, KV 476 (Mozart)
12. Als Luise die Briefe ihres ungetreuen Liebhabers verbrannte, KV 520
13. Sei du mein Trost, KV 391
14. Ridente la calma, KV 152
15. Un moto di gioia, KV 579
16. Warnung, KV 433
17. Abendempfindung (an Laura), KV 523
18. An Chloe, KV 524
19. Der Zauberer, KV 472
20. Komm, liebe Zither, KV 351
21. Die kleine Spinnerin, KV 531
22. Rondo in a, KV 511
23. Heideröslein, D 257 (Schubert)
24. Suleika, D 720
25. Nähe des Geliebten, D 162
26. Der Musensohn, D 764
27. Encore: The little rain (traditional)


Nele Gramms (mezzosoprano), Leo van Doeselaar (fortepiano)
Engelse Kerk, Amsterdam 21 May 1994


Olga Pasitsjnyk (soprano) Natalja Pasitsjnyk (piano)
Noorderkerk, Amsterdam 25 February 2006


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