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Concertzender Live

Live performances recorded by the Concertzender, of concerts from all over the Netherlands.

Verre Echo’s (Far echoes): What do György Ligeti and Johannes Brahms have in common?

In this episode, we embark on a relay filled with melancholy and sadness, featuring Brahms and Ligeti, Stravinsky narrating the tale of a soldier, and Scriabin composing a black mass.

A. Verre Echo’s Festival 20/21 concert, Belgium, on 2 October 2023, Iers College, Leuven, Belgum.


Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)

  • Parts of solo works for piano 117, 118 & 119 (1892-1893)
  • Horn trio 40 (1865)


2. György Ligeti (1923-2006)

  • Études from Book 1 and Book 2 (1985, 1988-1994)
  • Horn trio (1982)



  1. Johannes Brahms

Klavierstücke Op. 118, No. 6

2.  György Ligeti

Étude No. 3: Touches bloquées

3. Johannes Brahms

Intermezzi Op. 117, No. 1

4. György Ligeti

Étude No. 8: Fém

5. Johannes Brahms

Horn trio Op. 40

  1. Andante
  2. Scherzo
  3. Adagio mesto
  4. Finale

6. Johannes Brahms

Klavierstücke Op. 119, No. 4

7. György Ligeti

Étude nr. 4: Fanfares

8. Johannes Brahms

Klavierstücke Op. 119, Nr; 1

9. György Ligeti


  1. Andantino con tenerezza
  2. Vivacissimo molto ritmico
  3. Alla marcia
  4. Lamento. Adagio

Performed by: Jan Michiels, piano, Sylvia Huang, violin, Anthony Devriendt, horn.

Recording technician: Leo August De Bock.

B. Trio Erämaa performing Stravinsky, 15 October 2023, Concertzaal Gemeentehuis Sint-Jans Molenbeek, Brussels, Belgium

Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971)

L’Histoire du soldat

C. 25 september 2022, pianist Jonathan Powell at the Willem Twee Toonzaal in ’s Hertogenbosch

Performed by: Akiko Okawa, violin, Cédriuc De Bruycker, clarinet, Quentin Meurisse, piano.

Recording technician: Leo August De Bock

Aleksander Scriabin (1872-1915)

Sonata no. 9, op. 68.

This sonata got nicknamed the ‘Black Mass Sonata’. Scriabin didn’t come up with this name himself, but he did approve it. The opening theme undergoes constant alteration, from the initial trill arpeggios (trillerarpeggio’s) to a grand shift in atmosphere. The dissonance persists and culminates in a grand march. Regarding performance technique, the pianist is demanded to showcase utmost skill. Recording technician was Kees van de Wiel.

Pictured above: György Ligeti

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