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Concertzender Live

We’ll play some Early Music from concert-year 2005. Sometimes Very Early Music.

Featuring Early Music – music from before the year 1700, and sometimes from shortly after – is one of our primary responsibilities, along with modern/contemporary music, jazz, world music and ‘normal’ classical music. Every year we record concerts featuring music from times gone by, often known far too little by the general public.

Early Music isn’t its own specific genre. It is a repository of many styles that have developed in Europe over the course of about a thousand years.This music was composed for a variety of intentions, for a variety of occasions, with a variety of techniques. During this programme we will feature three concerts that don’t have a lot in common, except for that they’re all worth a listen.

We will kick off with a performance by Camerata Traiectina. This ensemble is specialised in the finding and reconstructing of 17th and 18th century music, often just everyday tunes enjoyed by the masses. This programme is dedicated to Rembrandt. It’s December 2005, and the Rembrandt year of 2006 is already casting its shadow ahead. The Camerata naturally knows exactly which music Rembrandt might have heard—and even weaves a subplot around Frans Hals into the mix. The explanations provided by Louis Peter Grijp, professor of musicology and artistic director of the ensemble, in between, are more than worth a listen.

We travel back even further during the second concert. We find ourselves at the Notre Dame in Paris, during the 14th century. Just as its construction was underway, polyphony was also blossoming. However, now, over a century later, there’s a need for something different. Something very different, according to Philippe de Vitry. He outlines exactly what needs to change in music. Polyphonic music from the 14th century becomes known as Ars Nova, ‘new art’. Philippe demonstrates what it’s supposed to be like, and many follow in his footsteps. We will hear some of these 14th century avant-garde motets in a concert by Fala Musica.

We will only hear fragments of the third concert. Harpsichordist Cathryn Cok presents a programme filled with French music for keyboard. We will hear 18th century classics such as works by Jacques Duphly (1715-1789), as well as by high Baroque composer Johann Jakob Froberger (1616-1667), who traveled from Germany to France to astonish this country with his art.

1. Drinck-Liedt op de Peeckel-haring
2. De Coninginne Alciones Droom
3. Hoort Louweris-oom
4. Constantijn Huygens – Avertisti faciem (Psalm 29/30)
5. Constantijn Huygens – Serenata; Riposta della fenestra
6. Constantijn Huygens – Hoe is ‘t beloven
7. lecture Vondel
8. Boerenvreugd; Zaamenspraak tussen man en vrouw
9. anonymous – Musicorum collegio/In templo Dei/Avete
10. Philippe de Vitry – Vos quid admiramini/Gratissima virginis/Gaude gloriosa
11. Philippe de Vitry – Firmissime/Adesto/Alleluya benedictus
12. Philippe de Vitry – Douce plaisance/Garison selon nature/neuma quinti toni
13. Philippe Roylaert – Rex Karole/Leticie/Virgo prius ac posterius
14. Magister Henricus / Gilles de Pusieux – Ida capillorum/Portio nature/Ante tronum
15. anonymous – Musicalis sciencia/Sciencie labor/tenor (instr.)
16. anonymous – Degentis vita/Cum vix artidici/Vera pudicitia
17. Guillaume de Machault – Felix virgo/Inviolata genitrix/Ad te suspiramus
18. Bernard de Cluny – Apollinis eclipsatur/Zodiacum/In omnem terram
19. Jacques Duphly – La Forqueray; La Médée; Les graces; La De Belombre
20. Johann Jakob Froberger – Le tombeau de Mr. Blancrocher
21. Claude-Bénigne Balbastre – La Lugeac

Performed by

1-9: Ensemble Camerata Trajectina: Hieke Meppelink (soprano), Nico van der Meel (tenor), Saskia Coolen (recorder), Annelies van der Vegt (violin), Erik Beijer (viola da gamba), Louis Peter Grijp (lute, zither)

10-18: Fala Musica: Ildiko Hajnal (soprano), Mami Irasawa (soprano), Hugo Naessens (alto), Bram Verheijen (tenor), Maurice van Lieshout (recorder), Gertie Johnsson (recorder), Hans Lub (fiddle), Susanne Braumann (fiddle), Liron Rinot (slide trumpet), Thomas Winthereik (lute)

19-21: Cathryn Cok (harpsichord)

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