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Contemporary Music

sun 12 apr 2020 17:00 hour

Argentin: Aguirre & Williams.

Julián Aguirre and Alberto Williams are considered the most important founders of Argentinian classical music. The tango still didn’t exist, the bandoneon hadn’t arrived in South America yet, and so these two composers took their inspiration from the ‘payadores’, Argentinian folk singers.


  1. Julián Aguirre (photo) Huella. Maria Luisa Anido and Miguel Llobet, guitar.
  2. Jorge Cafrune. Coplas del payador perseguido.
  3. Aguirre. Triste no. 3. José Luis Merlin, guitar. Debora Lewin, flute.
  4. Alberto Williams. Poema del Iguazù. Gran Canaria Philharmonic Orchestra led by Adrian Leaper.
  5. Williams. El rancho abandonado. Rosa Antonelli, piano.
  6. Aguirre. Aire criollo no. 3. Rosa Antonelli, piano.


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