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thu 15 may 2014 15:00 hrs

An educational programme featuring early music. ‘New’ music on guitar and violin.

All sorts of developments took place in the 17th-century Italian music. The Spanish guitar was introduced, and violin music became more extravagant by the influence of Monteverdi.
In this Documento, guitar music by Giovanni Paolo Foscarini and dance music for strings by Carlo Farina.
Giovanni Paolo Foscarini (fl.1629-1647)
1. Toccata detta la Inamoratta
2. Passacalli passeggiati
3. Corrente la Sprezzata
4. Passa Cagli Passegiati sopra l’E
5. Baletto il Fedel Amante
6. Corrente
7. Gagliarda Francese
8. Corrente Francese
The Foscarini Esperience: Frank Pschichholz, Spanish baroque guitar. Nora Thiele, percussion. Daniel Zorzano, violone
(RK 2904, 2010)
Carlo Farina (ca.1600-1640)
9. Pavana III a 4 (Libro IV)
10. Canzon detta la Marina a 2 (Libro I)
11. Balletto a 3 (Libro I)
12. Passamezzo a 3 (Libro IV)
Ensemble Clematis led by Leonardo Garcia-Alarcón, organ and harpsichord
(RIC 285, 2009)
Giovanni Paolo Foscarini
13. PassaCaglio passegiato sopra l’D
14. Sarabanda
15. Toccata musicale
16. Alemanda
17. Corrente nova Inventione
18. Toccata
19. Gagliarda la Passionata
20. Passacalli passeggiati sopra l’O
The Foscarini Esperience: Frank Pschichholz, Spanish baroque guitar. Nora Thiele, percussion. Daniel Zorzano, violone
(RK 2904, 2010)
Giovanni Paolo Foscarini
21. Folia
The Foscarini Esperience
(RK 2904, 2010)

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