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mon 29 dec 2014 19:00 hrs

An educational programme featuring early music.

Corelli and other contempo-raries of his wrote music for the Christmas time, including the Pastoral. The sounds of Pastoral music with flutes and bagpipes. 
Arcangelo Corelli (1653-1713)
1. Concerto grosso in G minor opus 6 no. 8 ‘Fatto per la notte di Natale’
– Vivace – Grave
– Allegro
– Adagio – Allegro – Adagio
– Vivace
– Allegro 
– Pastorale
Il Giardino Armonico olv. Giovanni Antonini: Enrico Onofri en Marco Bianchi, violin. Paolo Beschi, violon cello. Luca Pianca, theorbe
(Teldec 2292 46013-2)
Heinrich Schütz (1585-1672)
2. Weinachtshistorie SWV 43
– Eingang: Chorus
– Intermedium 1: Der Enge
– Intermedium 2: Die Menge
– Intermedium 3: Die Hirten
– Intermedium 4: Die Weise
– Intermedium 5: Hohepriester
– Intermedium 6: Herodes
– Intermedium 7: Der Engel
– Intermedium 8: Der Engel
– Beschluss: Chorus
Paul Agnew, Evangelist. Anna Crookes, Engel. Michael McCarthy, Herodes
Oxford Camerata led by Jeremy Summerly
(Naxos 8.553514)
Giuseppe Torelli (1658-1709)
3. Concerto à quattro in g-klein opus 8, no. 6 "…per il Santissimo Natale": 
– Grave – Vivace
– Largo 
– Vivace
Il Giardino Armonico: Enrico Onofri en Marco Bianchi, violin. Paulo Beschi, violoncello. Luca Pianca, theorbe
(Teldec 2292 46013-2)
Painting: The Adoration of the Shepherds by Giovanni Tiepolo, 1751-53

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